Advances in electrochemistry
towards the profitable decarbonization of chemicals
Thursday, October 26, 9 a.m. Central Time
Clean hydrogen production through water electrolysis has attracted massive investment, with gigawatt-scale electrolyzer manufacturing now underway. But achieving scale in the production of clean hydrogen requires limiting our reliance on rare and expensive metals.
A critical component of proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, iridium is one of the rarest naturally-occurring elements on Earth and its limited supply and high cost have stirred debate in the planning of infrastructure, such as hydrogen hubs. Alleviating the supply chain and cost constraints associated with iridium will ease a significant bottleneck in the production of clean hydrogen.
In addition, the promise of electrochemistry extends far beyond water electrolysis. Current electrolyzer manufacturing investments lay the foundation for the economical production of high-value products through electrochemistry – we are now just scratching the surface of what is possible.
This webinar will present:
- Strategies to achieve scale in PEM electrolysis by reducing reliance on iridium
- Unique value drivers of industrial electrochemistry for products beyond hydrogen
- New developments in the electrochemical production of clean chemicals, plastics, and fuels
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Webinar Speakers
Dr. Jordan Swisher
A leader in the fields of precision polymers, electrocatalysis, and catalyst synthesis, Dr. Swisher authored a seminal work on nanoreactor technologies for catalyst synthesis. He leads the development efforts within Mattiq’s high-throughput experimentation team and is the author on a number of patents.
Dr. Michael Ashley
Expert in nanofabrication and nanoparticle synthesis with leadership experience ranging from laboratory research to clean energy infrastructure project development, Mike leads product management for Mattiq. His focus is on the electrification and profitable decarbonization of the chemicals industry.